Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I appreciate the concept of the GPL license and even the FSF. However, I'm often at odds with some of this now because I work for a software vendor. We have to be very careful about working with GPLed code. We also have to face it every day as competition. But the concept is good.

With recent talk about version 3 of the license (version 2 has been the mainstay for quite a while now) that will address DRM and patents and lots of other needless things, I was very happy to read this article that includes Linus Torvald's comments on why version 2 was so great. Good news. I worry that a version 3 of the license could be even worse for commercial users; after all, it's the devil you know against the one you don't. At least we all know the ramifications of GPLv2 well.

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