Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Awesome Dinner!

I found this recipe in a cook book my wife's best friend published as a fund raiser for the hospital she worked at in Rhode Island. (keep in mind that this was from a book with a hospital's name on the cover)

Here's the recipe from the book:

  • 4 boneless chicken breasts
  • 3/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 lb bacon
Yields 4 servings
  • In a heavy skillet, fry bacon, remove to a paper towel lined plate to soak up the grease.
  • Chop bacon into pieces and set aside.
  • Leave the bacon grease in the skillet on medium-low heat.
  • Add chicken and cover.
  • Turn the chicken occasionally until cooked through, about 30 minutes.
  • Remove chicken from skillet, add 3/4 to 1 pint of source cream to skillet and mix.
  • Add chicken to mixture, coating generously and remove to plate.
  • Drizzle some of the source cream mixture onto chicken and add chopped bacon on top.
I've adapted the above a bit. I just use a pound of chicken from the grocery store and a pound of center-cut bacon. There's less grease then, but there's a bit less chicken too. Then I just use 8 ounces of sour cream. But in the end here's what you've got: BACON, CHICKEN, FAT. Who could ask for a better dish?

I can feel my arteries clogging already!

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