Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Roswell in the news. Again.

Here's a fox news story that came out today: Dead Airman's Affidavit: Roswell Aliens Were Real. It discusses a death-bed confession of a person apparently involved in the original story 60 years ago.

I admit and agree that these stories sometimes make one second guess what really happened out in the desert at the start of the cold war. But really, why would aliens who have mastered space travel be coming out her to monitor Earth? Why? Surely close to 100% of what they'd need to know could be gleamed from remote sensing, so why buzz us? If we found primitive life on a planet we would either get down in there and get involved or just put a satellite in orbit to observe. Whatever, the arguments are numerous.

But people will always be fascinated by the possibilities. I don't really doubt there's life out there somewhere. It's almost a statistical certainty. There's a recent article in Scientific American about the odds for life on Mars (slim) and Titan (better) - and those are just in our solar system. But being capable of space travel and actually coming to visit Earth to observe/abduct humans borders on absurd.

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