Saturday, December 12, 2015

Everyday Mindfulness

Just now I had finished showering and found myself at the sink going through the motions of shaving my head. As I thought about various topics mindlessly, I recalled an earlier discussion on Facebook about the Buddhist view on anger. From this thought I hit a tangent and contemplated how best to communicate via FB comments the importance of mindfulness. Then I harked back to some practices, to words from Eckhart Tolle, Buddhists teachings over the last year... I wasn't being mindful. The feeling was immense as my Watcher kicked in. I quickly assessed my state of mind.

I had been thinking about a party later tonight, looking forward to a good time (desirous attachment). I had been thinking about an early Facebook post, proud of my wording of a complex thought (Ego). I had been thinking about my impending move and all the tasks associated with that (attachment leading to worry). None of these things were happening currently. Either past or future. Not present. Right then, I was shaving my head. And that's all I did. I felt the razor bouncing across the stubble as I hadn't felt in a long time. I noticed the gloopiness of the conditioner I use as shaving cream now. I watched the water and whiskers splash around the drain. I was present. Here and now.

The party will happen later. We'll get there, we'll have fun as we always do. It shall be as it shall be. My posts and comments are out there for all to read. If I wasn't sincere and with intention to spread knowledge and help others, I wouldn't have written whatever I have written. If people comment, or disagree, or agree, or whatever, that'll be a task to address later. Right now, it's there and it's fine. The move too will all come together in good time. We took a couple steps today, a few more later, but there's absolutely nothing in my power while standing at the sink to shave that I can do to change any aspect of moving. I was shaving, there in the present moment. Right now, I'm scanning my memories while I sit and type at the computer. Things will happen later, things have happened in the past, but the most important things are happening right now. So wrapping up here to do the next tasks of the day, hopefully with some mindfulness. Peace and Love to you all.

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