Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Looks like it's Blu-Ray

I was holding out for HD-DVD. I'm not sure why, but it's probably because I'm still fairly anti-Sony. But lined up against each other, even I would admit the Blu-Ray spec sheet looks a bit better (old info, CNET info). Recently the producers making both having been choosing sides, as Warner Brothers just announced. And now Microsoft says they might support Blu-Ray on the Xbox. Another reason I was hoping for HD-DVD was that my XBox 360 would be the inexpensive move to this technology for me - but if they support Blu-Ray, there's no motivation left for HD-DVD as everyone moves aways. I'm just glad I kept waiting to see who would win. Sorry to anyone who's invested in HD-DVD. Time to store that next to your BetaMax stuff

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