Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Grocery Shopping and Being Them

As I pulled into Weis, I decided to do my "Be them" thing. This is a practice I've been trying lately where I try to "be" the people I encounter. Not to try to "think like them" or "see them" or "see your life as them". But to really BE them. Feel their clothing on you, note where their focus is, consider their ego. I do this by walking blissfully through the store with my heart open, as wide as I can open it. I can physically feel the difference in my chest when I think like this. It feels good. So I trek through the parking lot, going down the journey as One with Everyone.

The overweight lady carrying bags of ice
The old man with three prescription bags in his hand
The overdressed lady waiting at the deli counter
The picky person at the strawberries
The kid who just can't stand still
The cashier hustling back to the lounge on break
The lost and wandering balding guy
The 20-something texting, standing in the checkout line

Be them. Get in there and do it. With an open heart feeling love. Feel that link with everyone!

As I stood in the checkout line, I started doing some reflecting on the last 20 minutes. I realized very clearly that I do this exercise with my heart and chest. I wonder if I could do it instead with my third eye, my Ajna? My meditation today was around opening it wider, trying to cleanse the pineal gland. I can feel that sensation too. Like a steady pressure on your forehead - like someone is pushing with their fingertip. I want work on this and try again with my focus there instead of my heart.

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